We will exhibit at R2B Bologna Fiere

We are pleased to announce that, once again this year, GHEPI Lab will be exhibiting at the R2B – Research to Business fair, promoted by the Regione Emilia-Romagna and organized by ART-ER and Bologna Fiere.

The event will focus on “Policy, People, and Partnership,” addressing the EUROPEAN GOALS in the face of the challenges posed by the GREEN and DIGITAL TRANSITION, the SKILLS and TALENTS required to tackle these challenges, and the role of EUROPEAN PARTNERSHIPS in achieving these objectives.

Since 2011, we have been accredited as a Research Laboratory of the Emilia-Romagna High Technology Network, contributing to the #GreenTransition by conducting R&D and ECO-DESIGN activities.

Our work focuses on replacing metals and standard polymers with high-performance, recycled, and expanded polymers and biopolymers.

We look forward to meeting you to discuss and evaluate opportunities for collaboration.

📅 Save the Date:
June 26-27, 2024
Bologna Fiere

Stand B14G
